How to Care for Cradle Cap

How to Care for Cradle Cap

What is cradle cap? If your baby’s scalp has flaky, dry skin that looks like dandruff, or thick, oily, yellowish or brown scaling or crusting patches, it’s probably cradle cap. Doctors call it infantile seborrheic dermatitis. It’s very common in infants,...
How to massage your baby

How to massage your baby

How to massage your baby – an ideal bedtime routine: Routines are good. Routines are effective. Routines are adaptive. Routines are beneficial to the child/ children and the mother/ parents. As a rule of thumb, most parents should use structured routines with their...
Is there life after Eczema?

Is there life after Eczema?

You’ve probably heard it all… that your baby will outgrow eczema, it will get better soon, or try a certain remedy, or try that remedy. “No really, THIS WILL WORK – it worked for my baby!” You’ve probably tried it all  –  medication,...
A Mother’s Touch

A Mother’s Touch

  Pregnancy While your baby is in your tummy, your maternal instincts kick in with every movement they make, you automatically rub your tummy. Almost as though saying, hi to your little one, letting him know that mom is here. As your little one grows, the skin...